About Web3 Builders

Like all of you freshmen out there, we’re also new to Penn😊! Last semester, we realized that there’s no group at Penn 😮 working to capture the exciting opportunities in the world of blockchain and web3 engineering. At Web3 Builders, our goal is to empower 🔌 you guys and expose you to the myriad of engineering opportunities in the perplexing web3 world out there.

Where do we want to be?

First and foremost, we want to be the leading blockchain technology/engineering community at Penn. There are 5 areas that we want to focus on: Building, Education, Community, and Career.

Building ⚙️:

We believe that getting your hands dirty is the best way to learn. This means → absolute freedom for project groups, technical consulting projects, buildathons… Our community will support you in building and testing your ideal web3 project endeavors.

Education 🧑‍🏫:
We want to help beginners with interest in blockchain to learn enough context to “go down the rabbit hole” on their own. Also, we want to provide crypto veterans with a platform to discuss ideas, learn from each other, and create sparks for innovative ideas.

Community 🍹:
The fundamental asset of this club is the people. We want to have a tight-knit community to have fun together, learn together, and build together. This means → BYO, retreats, conference trips…

Career 👨‍💻:
Ok yeah everyone loves learning, but we get it. We’re at Penn. We all want to get a job. At Web3 Builders, we get that, and we’ll help you up your web3.0 recruiting game. In addition to technical consulting projects(with web3 startups), we want to help find resources and leverage our networks so you can continue your interest in blockchain for summer internships and post-grad positions.

Next steps:

Like what you read? Join our community now:

  1. Have you signed up for the newsletter on the home page? (or subscribe button bottom right)
  2. Apply for a core-team position here https://forms.gle/VxWQsxxgVuFm7hyv5, we will reach out for a chat.
  3. Join our group chat on telegram https://t.me/+3ZHXLj-j-oBhOTlh for crypto convo and more announcements